
Tidy Nest Featured Press: Decluttering Makeup And Skincare– 10 Ways To Streamline Your Stash Beautifully (Homes & Gardens)

Bathrooms are generally tight on space and can get unruly if the space isn’t edited frequently. We encourage frequent editing of this space by checking expiration dates, identifying duplicates and unnecessary products. We try our best not to dump everything in the trash and so we have found creative ways to repurpose and recycle products and the packaging.

We shared one of our favorite ways to repurpose mascara wands with Homes & Gardens.

If you feel inspired to tackle the bathroom this weekend, we have a step-by-step guide linked below to help you along.

Take a look at our other interviews with Home & Gardens over the years

Tidy Tips: Decluttering Your Home

Decluttering can be overwhelming when you try to tackle your entire house in one weekend. 

So we’re breaking it down for you - not only by room but by the main categories*  that collect clutter. 

You can work with this document a few different ways:

  1. You can tackle one room at a time, working down the list

  2. You can start in one room and focus on just one category during that session. 

The key is to take a break from decluttering before you get decision fatigue (yes, it’s a real thing). 

*These main categories were determined based on our experience working in these spaces.*



-Expired food & spices 

-Condiment packets 

-Plastic utensils 




-Plastic bags 




-Mismatched / torn socks

-Stained / damaged clothing 

-Old shoes

-Broken jewelry 

-Hats & gloves 

-Nightstand drawers 

-Hidden items under the bed

-Miscellaneous items on top of dresser


Family/ Living Room


-Games / puzzles



-Old electronics 

-Miscellaneous wires


-Throws & throw pillows



-Expired medicine 

-Expired beauty products

-Empty products 

-Samples / travel sized items


-Nail polish

-Products in shower


If you’re on a roll and looking to tackle more spaces, take a look at our decluttering CHECKLIST below!

Tidy Tips: Our Guide to Editing

When it comes to decluttering and editing, we are constantly asked: 

“How do you know how to get rid of stuff”? 

We have an in-depth process when it comes to editing with clients, but we wanted to share some important questions to ask yourself when you’re decluttering. 


When you're decluttering, ask yourself:

-Is it useful? 

-Is it something I use?

-Does it currently serve a purpose?

-When was the last time I used it?

-Would I buy this again today? 

-Do I have similar items / duplicates? Do I need multiples? 

-Does this item make my life easier?

-Have I tried to get rid of this item in the past?

-Do I need more space for new items?

-Can this item be replaced if necessary?

When you’re editing clothing, ask yourself:

-Does the item still fit? 

-Is it in good condition?

-Does it make me feel good when I wear it?

-What kind of maintenance does this item require? 

-Does this item remind me of a negative time / experience?

When you’re editing memorable items, ask yourself:

-What memory does this spark for me?

-When, where and how did I acquire this item (or wear this item)? 

-How does it make me feel to see (or wear) this item?

-Who gave me this item?

-Why have I been saving this item?


Sometimes we find clients associate the item with a memory and if the item leaves then so will the memory. 

We have a few exercises to try that may help you get rid of the item while still honoring and preserving the memory associated with the item.

Take A Photo

Snap a photo of the item and create a digital album for “special treasures”. Add the answers to the questions above in the caption of each photo. 

Create A Journal

Create a journal for all your special treasures. Add a photo of the item, draw the item or simply describe it. Answer some of the prompts listed above. 

Do It With A Friend

Invite a friend over and share the stories with them. Have your friend help you donate or find new homes for these items. 


Tidy Nest Featured Press: Professional Organizers Say You Can Declutter So Much Crap With Any Of These Genius Tricks (Bustle)

Decluttering is one of the most important tasks one can do whether it’s before a move, before a renovation, as quarterly maintenance or as a form of self-care. We are constantly asked to share our tips and tricks on ways to easily declutter spaces.

We recently spoke with Bustle and shared some tips on how to tackle paper piles and the thought process behind one of our favorite decluttering techniques - trial separation.


Tidy Tips: Spring Organizing

Spring is a great time for home organizing projects.

While Tidy Nest has been busy on-site helping our clients get ready for Spring, we wanted to share five easy spring tasks that you can tackle on your own!

Five easy spring tasks

1. Use Proper Containment

When switching out your winter clothes, use weathertight bins to ensure your clothing is protected from moisture, dirt and pests.

2. Donate

This is a great time to identify the items you didn’t wear this season and donate or give to someone else who will enjoy them.

cleaning the car

3. Clean Out The Car

Replace the snow brushes for the picnic blanket, throw away all of those old receipts and food wrappers, and remove all the contents from your car console.

winter boots

4. Clean Winter Shoes

Wipe down all your winter boots and shoes and store them in show containers to avoid dust and mold. You’ll add years to the lifespan or your shoes!

5. Refresh

Go through your pantry and discard any expired items and donate any non-perishable items you don’t use. Take everything out of your refrigerator, discard any expired items and wipe down shelving and drawers.

If you’re on a roll and looking to tackle more spaces, take a look at our decluttering guide below


Photos from The Container Store.

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Tidy Nest Featured Press: 10 Ways Professional Organizers Declutter to Move (Homes & Gardens)

Moving can be very stressful, and involves a lot of planning and organization- that’s where we come in! The process of packing up your entire life and transporting it to a new location can be overwhelming, so start by decluttering and ridding of the things you won’t need or want.

We recently shared our best piece of advice when it comes to preparing for your move.

Take a look at our other interviews with Home & Gardens over the years.

Tidy Nest Featured Press: 10 Ways to Declutter Your Bedroom– To Make it Feel Bigger (Homes & Gardens)

If we had to pick just one room in the house to declutter it would be the bedroom! Your bedroom is a place of peace and rest so bringing clutter into this space stains the energy in the room.

So when Homes & Gardens told us they were working on a story on decluttering the bedroom, we were very eager to share our number one rule when it comes to bedroom organization.

Take a look at our other interviews with Home & Gardens over the years

Tidy Nest Featured Press: Here’s How Often You Need to Replace 16 Common Household Items (Reader's Digest)

When to toss items can be a controversial topic when it comes to decluttering. Everyone has a different opinion on when things to be replaced.

We shared our recommendations with Reader’s Digest about when to replace houshold items including bathmats, doormats, bed pillows and curtains.