
Tidy Nest Featured Press: 5 Things Pro Organizers Say Are Must-Haves In A Small Bathroom (Homes & Gardens)

Bathrooms are tight on space so maximizing every inch of space is crucial. But regardless of the size of your bathroom, drawer organization is key to maintaining order which we explained to Homes & Gardens when they asked us about bathroom organization tips.

We like to use plastic drop-in organizers because they are easy to wipe clean

Use bamboo organizers for a more eco-friendly option plus it’s a great win when they match the interior of the drawers.

Take a look at our other interviews with Home & Gardens over the years


Photos from The Container Store & Amazon.

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Tidy Nest Featured Press: Decluttering Makeup And Skincare– 10 Ways To Streamline Your Stash Beautifully (Homes & Gardens)

Bathrooms are generally tight on space and can get unruly if the space isn’t edited frequently. We encourage frequent editing of this space by checking expiration dates, identifying duplicates and unnecessary products. We try our best not to dump everything in the trash and so we have found creative ways to repurpose and recycle products and the packaging.

We shared one of our favorite ways to repurpose mascara wands with Homes & Gardens.

If you feel inspired to tackle the bathroom this weekend, we have a step-by-step guide linked below to help you along.

Take a look at our other interviews with Home & Gardens over the years

Tidy Nest Featured Press: 15 Ways to Organize Your Makeup and Beauty Supplies (HGTV)

HGTV published “15 Ways to Organize Your Makeup and Beauty Supplies”. One of Shannon’s favorite ways to store makeup and beauty supplies was featured in the article (see slide 8).

Modular System

Keep all your makeup and beauty products in one place without hogging all the bathroom drawers.

Products used:

The Original Beauty Box

It seems like the Original Beauty Box no longer has a website - a great alternative is The Container Store’s Acrylic Modular Makeup System.

The Home Edit Vinyl Labels from The Container Store

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Editing Your Beauty & Skincare Products

Tidy Tips Beauty Editing Blog Banner.PNG

Editing is not just for clothes! Beauty products and skincare products need to be edited from time-to-time to avoid the clutter. Follow these easy steps to keep your product inventory manageable. 

  1. Lay everything out on a solid background - think white towel - so you can easily see colors. 

  2. Group items by makeup, skincare, haircare. 

  3. Check the consistency of the products  - if things are discolored, smell different or the consistency has changed, set aside to discard. 

  4. Check expiration dates. Discard anything that has expired. Check out our recent blog post on beauty expiration dates here.

  5. Eliminate duplicates (give to friends, create a travel bag, set aside to discard).

  6. Place remaining inventory back in your storage system grouping by type (makeup, skincare, haircare) then subcategorize as you see fit. Check out our previous blog posts on the systems we like to use.

  7. Repeat this a few times a year!

Pro Tip: When it comes to discarding - If it’s unused, donate it. If it’s been used and still good but not in your repertoire, offer it to a friend. If the product has expired, check the packaging to see if it can be recycled. Some companies like Lush and MAC accept empties. Companies like Colgate and Garnier have partnered with TerraCycle and will accept empty product packaging from any brand. 


Product Spotlight: Acrylic Makeup System


Today’s consumer packaging is lightyears ahead of where it was say, 10 years ago (doesn’t that Method soap dispenser look nice next to your sink?) When you have makeup and products that have beautiful packaging, they should be on display and enjoyed as well. To help showcase our beauty products, we love to use acrylic systems, but they can get a little pricey after adding on all the various components for lipstick, brushes, pallets, etc. So we put together a list of our favorite systems for you in every price range — just click any link below. Enjoy!

$$$$ - The Original Beauty Box

$$$ - The Container Store

$$ - Target

$ - Amazon

If you haven’t used acrylic before, here’s an example of how the Beauty Box acrylic system can transform your makeup to make everything visible, more accessible and more attractive.

Makeup Before
Makeup After