Tidy Tips: Our Guide to Editing

When it comes to decluttering and editing, we are constantly asked: 

“How do you know how to get rid of stuff”? 

We have an in-depth process when it comes to editing with clients, but we wanted to share some important questions to ask yourself when you’re decluttering. 


When you're decluttering, ask yourself:

-Is it useful? 

-Is it something I use?

-Does it currently serve a purpose?

-When was the last time I used it?

-Would I buy this again today? 

-Do I have similar items / duplicates? Do I need multiples? 

-Does this item make my life easier?

-Have I tried to get rid of this item in the past?

-Do I need more space for new items?

-Can this item be replaced if necessary?

When you’re editing clothing, ask yourself:

-Does the item still fit? 

-Is it in good condition?

-Does it make me feel good when I wear it?

-What kind of maintenance does this item require? 

-Does this item remind me of a negative time / experience?

When you’re editing memorable items, ask yourself:

-What memory does this spark for me?

-When, where and how did I acquire this item (or wear this item)? 

-How does it make me feel to see (or wear) this item?

-Who gave me this item?

-Why have I been saving this item?


Sometimes we find clients associate the item with a memory and if the item leaves then so will the memory. 

We have a few exercises to try that may help you get rid of the item while still honoring and preserving the memory associated with the item.

Take A Photo

Snap a photo of the item and create a digital album for “special treasures”. Add the answers to the questions above in the caption of each photo. 

Create A Journal

Create a journal for all your special treasures. Add a photo of the item, draw the item or simply describe it. Answer some of the prompts listed above. 

Do It With A Friend

Invite a friend over and share the stories with them. Have your friend help you donate or find new homes for these items.