Product Spotlight: Acrylic Makeup System


Today’s consumer packaging is lightyears ahead of where it was say, 10 years ago (doesn’t that Method soap dispenser look nice next to your sink?) When you have makeup and products that have beautiful packaging, they should be on display and enjoyed as well. To help showcase our beauty products, we love to use acrylic systems, but they can get a little pricey after adding on all the various components for lipstick, brushes, pallets, etc. So we put together a list of our favorite systems for you in every price range — just click any link below. Enjoy!

$$$$ - The Original Beauty Box

$$$ - The Container Store

$$ - Target

$ - Amazon

If you haven’t used acrylic before, here’s an example of how the Beauty Box acrylic system can transform your makeup to make everything visible, more accessible and more attractive.

Makeup Before
Makeup After