Editing Your Beauty & Skincare Products

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Editing is not just for clothes! Beauty products and skincare products need to be edited from time-to-time to avoid the clutter. Follow these easy steps to keep your product inventory manageable. 

  1. Lay everything out on a solid background - think white towel - so you can easily see colors. 

  2. Group items by makeup, skincare, haircare. 

  3. Check the consistency of the products  - if things are discolored, smell different or the consistency has changed, set aside to discard. 

  4. Check expiration dates. Discard anything that has expired. Check out our recent blog post on beauty expiration dates here.

  5. Eliminate duplicates (give to friends, create a travel bag, set aside to discard).

  6. Place remaining inventory back in your storage system grouping by type (makeup, skincare, haircare) then subcategorize as you see fit. Check out our previous blog posts on the systems we like to use.

  7. Repeat this a few times a year!

Pro Tip: When it comes to discarding - If it’s unused, donate it. If it’s been used and still good but not in your repertoire, offer it to a friend. If the product has expired, check the packaging to see if it can be recycled. Some companies like Lush and MAC accept empties. Companies like Colgate and Garnier have partnered with TerraCycle and will accept empty product packaging from any brand.