Tidy Tips: Denim Storage 

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Many of our clients struggle with storing their denim. There's no right or wrong method - it depends on the space, lifestyle, collection. Scroll through to see some methods we use to store denim. 


Hang pants using pant hangers

Pro: Visually pleasing, open-end hanger design allows for fast access, non-slip coating, good for high inventory 

Con: Hangers are pricey, need to have the hanging space in closet 

Tidy Tips Denim Hanging.png

Hang pants using crisscross method

Pro: Easily access the waistband to see size/style, great for closet with short hanging space, good for high inventory

Con: More time consuming to hang

Tidy Note: This is Jared’s go-to method for storing his denim because he has a ton of different styles and sizes. 

Tidy Tips Denim Criss Cross.png

File Folding

Pro: Quantity is visible, good for low inventory 

Con:  Challenging to identify different sizes and styles, need a drawer or basket, does not work on shelves 

Tidy Note: This is Taylor’s go-to method for storing her denim because she has a low inventory and limited space. 

(One File Folding Image)

Tidy Tips Denim File Folding.png

Flat Folding 

Pro: Quick method, good for low inventory, ideal for open shelves so inventory is visible 

Con: Waist band has more material than the hem causing the stack to be lopsided - to eliminate this issue, you can alternate stacking the waistband and hem sides. Difficult to remove denim from bottom of the stack 

Tidy Note: This is Shannon’s go-to method for storing her denim because she has a low inventory of denim (and her days working in retail have made folding denim second nature). 

(Two Flat Folding images)

Tidy Tips Denim Flat Folding.png