Everything you’re bringing from outside will impact the energy of a space, including guests (invited or uninvited!) The events within the home will add energy- an illness, strong emotions like anger, grief or depression, or a party, celebration or other kind of ritual.
Have you ever had an argument and felt the tension in the room sort of lingering afterwards?
We ask a lot of our spaces, energetically and functionally, especially now that we’re spending more time in our homes. Our home, our office or any space we spend significant time in, should bring peace and positive energy. But let’s face it, we dump a lot of energy into these spaces which can already have old, stagnant or even negative energy that is hard to shake. Whether it’s a home that still has the previous owners energy, a cluttered space you just can’t get ahold of or a room that just witnessed an argument, spaces need to be cleared frequently.
There are many ways to do this and there are no right or wrong techniques. Below are some ways we like to clear energy in a room.
Remove Trash & Clutter
Remove obvious trash, clutter and broken items. Clutter drags down the energy in a room. Trash and broken items create difficulty for energy to flow through your space.
Open The Windows
Open the windows and allow fresh air into your space!
Use Lemon Oil
Wipe down surfaces with a mixture of lemon essential oil and water. Don’t forget door knobs, door frames, window sills and window frames - doors and windows are where outside energy enters your home so it’s important to keep these spaces clean. Plus any citrus scents are energizing and purifying.
Burn Herbs, Wood Or Incense
Burn your choice of herbs, wood or incense - just make sure it was sustainably sourced as many of these smoke cleansing tools have been harvested unethically. We like to start in the doorway of the room and walk around counter clockwise to clear negative energy wafting the smoke in all the corners of the room and then again clockwise to bring in positive energy.
Ring A Bell
If you’re sensitive to smoke/ smell, try ringing a bell or even clapping three times in each or the corners to break up the stagnant energy.
Add Crystals
Add a piece of selenite to your windowsill, an amethyst in your bedroom or black tourmaline by your entryway.
Add Salt
Add a small bowl of salt to the corners of the room and let it sit for 48 hours then discard back to the earth. The salt can act as a magnet pulling out any negative energy that is lingering.
Create Intentions
Create an intention for each space and recite it while doing one of the techniques above. Think about the intention of each room when creating your mantra. For example: “I release the stagnant energy from this space and invite in new opportunities for my best and highest good.”