
Tidy Nest Featured Press: Get to Know Shannon Krause....

Thank you to Hello Fairfield County Guide for helping our community get to know Shannon a little bit better.

How long have you had your business?

I started Tidy Nest with my business (and life partner) in early 2019 so Tidy Nest is three years old. But I have been organizing for as long as I can remember. When I was a child, I would find enjoyment organizing my mom’s coupons, my barbie doll clothes, tupperware containers, etc. In highschool and college, I was super active and had to juggle a demanding schedule so I really honed my time management skills at that stage of my life. Right out of college I started my career in PR and Marketing for real estate brokers in New York City - at my busiest I was coordinating PR and marketing efforts for 85 brokers at one of the top real estate firms in NYC, needless to say I needed to be incredibly organized. As a hobby, I would help my friends and family move, organize their closets, plan their vacations, etc. Order, productivity and organization have always been part of my life. 

If you could have any celebrity client, who would it be?I think it would be Martha Stewart - she's the queen of all things organization so if I could get her stamp of approval that's like receiving the highest honor.

What’s your favorite dish at a local restaurant?
I'd say the sole or mussels at Luc's. I order either at least once a week.

What is your favorite splurge?

I tend to justify many "splurges" when traveling. If I can pay extra to cut a line, have a private tour or board a flight first, I will!

Do you have a favorite “hidden gem”?

I don't think I can call this a hidden gem anymore since it has won "best breakfast in CT" but Kitchen Little in Mystic, CT is one of my favorite places. We've been going there for years and no matter how long we're away Jimmy (the owner) still welcomes us with a giant hug.

What is your favorite way to spend a Sunday?

We are usually with clients on Sundays but if I have the day off then it usually starts with breakfast at Rosie in New Canaan followed by spending time at home with our three kitties...inevitably I'm organizing some space in my home, working on a puzzle or spending time in my garden.

What makes you happy?

It sounds cliche but my work makes me happy. There’s real joy in helping to eliminate stress and chaos for our clients - especially since there’s so much of that going around these days. I particularly like the challenge of meeting each of their unique needs with systems that work for their specific lives. We are able to give our clients back their time and create a sense of peace in their spaces - that makes me very happy.  
On a non-work level, spending time outdoors with friends and family and traveling as much as possible brings me a lot of joy. 

2021 Reflection

Since we were sidelined with Covid over the holidays, we didn’t get a chance to reflect on 2021. It was a great year, albeit a bit strange and challenging at times, but on the whole, it was really positive for us. 

This year is off to a busy start and we’re excited for all of the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead in ’22. But check out a few of our highlights below for a look back at 2021.

Best Year

We had our most successful year to date! 

Making Moves

Half the year was spent handling moves and relocation projects 

Best of the Best

We were named Best of the Gold Coast for Home Organization Design Services

read all about it

We were quoted in many national publications including HGTV, Forbes, Family Handyman and Apartment Therapy 

Take a look at our press mentions

busy busy busy

We helped many new clients, many of whom we’re happy to now call friends

we finally got to travel

Nantucket, Bermuda, California, Texas but out trip to Majorca was the highlight!


We added new organizers to the growing team and a new kitty to our family


We sponsored a few events, most notably with one of our favorite musicians, Hiss Golden Messenger and hosted our first food drive for Meals on Wheels in Ridgefield, CT

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