
Getting To Know The Tidy Nest Team


Taylor | Organizer & Community Manager


What’s your favorite space to organize? And what’s the hardest space you’ve ever tackled?

If I had to pick just one...it’d probably be my bathroom cabinets and beneath the bathroom sink. I get up pretty early for my 9-5 job and it’s a huge timesaver to have exactly what I need in the same spot it always is. The hardest space for me is always closests. My boyfriend has more clothes than me and trying to make it all work in our small one-bedroom apartment is tough.

What’s the one item you must have when organizing?

The one thing I cannot live without when organizing is a garbage bag. I am a huge fan of getting rid of old things to make space for new things. I make sure to do all of my organizing when nobody else is home... :)

What do you like to do when you’re not organizing?

If I’m not rearranging something in my apartment I’m probably listening to Shannon talk about rearranging something in my apartment. Otherwise, I love bike riding around Jersey City, trying the newest local restaurants and binge-watching The Sopranos.

What’s your go-to song to get motivated?

Anything by my favorite band, California Honeydrops.

What’s one tip you have to stay on track during a project?

It’s key to remember that organizing and reorganizing take time. To avoid getting overwhelmed, take mini (timed) breaks in-between projects.