Stocking Stuffers

2022 Holiday Gift Guides: Stocking Stuffers

We had so much fun last year with the first edition of our holiday gift guides. We received such great feedback from everyone.

We created a handful of guides this year from our own picks to stocking stuffers to organizing supplies.

Next up is a crowd favorite… Stocking Stuffers.

As we did last year, we’ll be gifting someone a little something from one of the guides. All you have to do is comment below (or better yet, comment on our Instagram or Facebook posts) and tell us what item you have your eyes on this season.

Astier De Villatte

Tucson Incense

One of our LA-based clients introduced us to these incense while we were shopping for baskets at Nickey Kehoe. We fell in love with the Tucson scent (smokey & sweet) which has now become our “signature” home scent and our go-to gift.

Rite in the Rain

Weatherproof Writing Kit

Recommended by Sarina, one of our organizers and expert gardeners, this is a great gift for the gardener, outdoors-person or anyone who needs an indestructible notepad. 

This all-weather pen performs in ALL temperatures (seriously all temperatures… -30F to 250F.. However we’re not sure why you’d be writing in 250F), under water (up to 35 ft) and the notepad  will survive sweat, rain, mud, snow, oil, grease, and the wear-and-tear of daily use. 


Neroli Lumiere Body Wash

We’re all about essential oils over here and we find that Neroli oil, extracted from the bitter orange tree aka Sevilla Orange, is one of our favorite oils for anxiety and stress. This body wash, another clean product, is made with Provence olive oil and coconut oil leaving skin super soft.



An odd pet-peeve of ours is hearing keys jingle, we know…it’s weird. This key organizer keeps our keys contained and we love containment. No more jingling noises in our bags or unwanted scratches from keys. The key pouches come in a variety of colors and sizes and are made with vegetable tanned leather. 

So Ill x On The Roam

Menehune Beanie

If you know Jared then you know he has a crush on Jason Momoa so when Jason designed with So iLL x On The Roam, Jared purchased nearly the entire line. And this hat is one of Jared’s favorites. It can be worn cuffed or uncuffed, it comes in 5 colors but this dusty pink is the favorite, and it arrives in plastic free packaging.



We’ve been on a quest for clean nail products that actually work and so far TenOverTen products have been the best by bar. The line is cruelty-free and vegan (our top requirements for products). This 100% natural nail oil contains celery seed extract to smooth and strengthen nails and Chia seed oil, vitamin B3, rosehip oil and zinc work to promote harder, stronger and more resilient nails.

Twelve South

AirFly Pro

Another travel staple of ours is this Wireless Transmitter/Receiver which allows for audio sharing for up to 2 AirPods or wireless headphones. We use this for in-flight entertainment so we can use our AirPods instead of those annoying corded headphones. Battery life lasts about 16 hours so it’s perfect for those long flights.

Indie Lee


We love this Indie Lee mist especially for travel. It smells delightful (Rosewood, Bergamot, Eucalyptus and Patchouli) and promotes a sense of calm. Indie Lee products are clean and cruelty free (which is super important to us). 

Fun Fact: Indie is from South Salem, NY (where we live). We love supporting neighbors!


Lucy Canvas Pouch

Recommended by a client, these pouches are one of our new favorites and great for just about anything- sunglasses, a small makeup bag, you name it. They are made in both canvas and nylon in various color and print options. Each product is crafted by independent military spouses in their homes around the nation, and shipped to R.Riveter's FabShop to be assembled into a one-of-a-kind product.



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2021 Holiday Gift Guides: Stocking Stuffers

We’re so excited to be sharing the first edition of our holiday gift guides. We covered different categories from our personal picks to stocking stuffers to items for the cat lover (I know, big stretch but we love our cats).

Next up are some of our favorite stocking stuffer ideas.

In our families, stockings are the most beloved part of holiday gift giving.

OSEA Vagus Nerve Oil

We all can use a little help regulating stress these days. This oil helps promote a sense of relaxation and serenity. Be sure to read how OSEA was born, it’s a great story.

LePen Multi-Color Pack

Friends, family and clients all love these pens. They write so nicely, they are not bulky and they come in a ton of fun colors. I say that they turn my to-do lists into ta-da lists. Can you see Jared’s eye roll from there?

Anima Mundi Golden Moon Milk

Anima Mundi is one of our favorite brands - the Apothecary is composed of organic, wildcrafted, and ethically grown botanicals and everything that comes out of there is heavenly. This powder includes all the best calming plants such as Ashwagandha, Reishi, Lavender, Blue Lotus, Cardamom and Vanilla. It’s perfect as a bedtime drink. Extra points for being made in Brooklyn.

Seedlip Spice Non-Alcoholic Spirits

This is a non-alcoholic replacement for traditional spirits. It’s made in England and is inspired by the remedies of 17th century apothecaries. We like the spice flavor best which includes allspice, cardamom, oak, lemon, grapefruit - and it is sugar-free!

Coola Lip Oil

Oddly, we’re not fans of the traditional chapsticks so we love this lip oil. Infused with SPF30, this oil is made with Coola’s antioxidant-rich Plant Protein complex. It feels and smells luxurious.

Farmacy Honey Savior Repair Salve

Okay, this is one of our absolute favorites because it does EVERYTHING. Use as hand moisturizer during the winter months, on cuts and burns, as lip moisturizer, as shine on your cheeks. It’s incredibly soothing and has even cured our skin rashes and eczema.

Desktop Vacuum

Gadgets are so not our thing but we do use our desktop vacuum all the time. We spend so much time at our desks and let's be honest, they can get filthy. We leave the vacuum in a desk drawer and use it when we're bored on Zoom.

Buddha Tea - Ashwagandha

You’re probably picking up on a major trend here, we love anything that helps us destress. Buddha Teas are all wonderful but we’re gifting the Ashwagandha tea this year because it’s such a powerful remedy for stress, anxiety and insomnia.

USB Powered Lighter

We received this in a Secret Santa / White Elephant gift exchange last year and at first we thought it was lame but it’s been used in our home every single day since so we had to include it.