Kiddo Centric Garage Project

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More often than not, garages are one of the most cluttered spaces in the homes we visit. It kind of makes sense though, right? With all of the cleaning and organizing to do in your home, why would you spend time perfecting your garage? Well… we’ll tell you why! Read below…!

This garage project was a fun one. There was lots of space so we had options with respect to making homes for everything. The primary goals for this project were to declutter and to introduce organizational systems (mostly for 3 active boys ) into one garage bay.

As many garages do, this one had accumulated lots of old toys, old furniture and garbage from the past several years and moves. With most projects we like to start with big projects first, so in this case, we tore out the old built ins and demolished them. According to Shannon, there was quite a lot of ‘grunting’ noises emitted from the sledgehammer operator, however those remarks were promptly ignored. Afterwards, we emptied the entire garage, inventoried every item and broke them into manageable categories: keep, donate, trash.

From there we assembled and installed all storage solutions and eventually began repopulating the space with all items grouped together. We even created parking spaces for ride-ons.

The photos below tell the story well. What started as an overwhelming, unusable space, was brought back to life over a weekend. So why is it important to spend time getting your garage in order? Because now everyone knows exactly where everything is. There’s no more “MOM!! HAVE YOU SEEN MY SOCCER BALL?”

We’ve since checked in, and the client proudly reported that the space looks just the way it did the day we left. And most importantly, we got three thumbs up from the kids, so we called it a win!

Pro Tip: Bring kids into these projects. They’re not going to have the chance to learn just by seeing the cluttered space in the beginning and the organized space at the end. Instead, engage them and see if they want to help find their old toys a new home.

Project Tally:

🚚 950lbs of trash removed

🔨1 large built-in demolished

🛴10 children’s ride on toys donated

👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏾2 happy parents