Tidy Tips: Labeling

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Reminders are key
Labels show the household and guests where to find things and act as a reminder to store things in their proper home. 

Avoid running out of an item
Labeled areas help you identify when you’re running low and need to replenish. 

Add notes
Add expiration dates and cooking instructions to decanted containers using washi tape or masking tape. Conceal the expiration date by placing a label on the bottom of the container. 

‘Miscellaneous’ is not a category! 
Avoid using this label. It invites a junk drawer/basket/shelf.  Everything should have a home. 

Get Creative
You don't have to buy fancy labels or an expensive label maker; just use what you have around the house. The back of business cards, masking tape, paint swatch cards, etc... Just be sure your labels are uniform, that they’ll last and that they’re legible (remember, you're not the only one who will be reading them).