Project Recap: Unpacking a house in 5 days 

LA testimonial

Need: Our client needed help unpacking from their first move in 30 years. To make things challenging, the client wanted to host Easter dinner just 5 days after the move-in date. 

Solution: We created an aggressive schedule and stuck to it! 

All boxes were housed in the garage. They were brought into the house ONLY when it came time to unpack the box. This way the client was not living amongst boxes and worst case, if there were a few unpacked boxes at the time of the party, they wouldn’t be crowding the living area. 

We started with the bedrooms & bathrooms on the first day – the most important rooms! After a long day of moving, the best feeling is having your bedroom and bathroom ready for you. Two days were dedicated to the kitchen, the third day was dedicated to the living spaces (family room, living room, office) and the final day was dedicated to the seasonal and miscellaneous storage items. We even had time to decorate for Easter. 

Pro Tip: Map out all the cabinets, drawers & closets before you start to unpack. Use post-it notes to label. This will speed up unpacking time and will help the residents learn where all their belongings are housed.