Project Recap: Downsizing after 30 Years 

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Redondo move

Need: Our client wanted to downsize from a 3,000 square foot townhouse, which they lived in for 30 years, to a smaller space. With such busy schedules, they didn’t have time to pack up their belongings and also needed coaching when it came time to edit a lifetime of belongings to fit in their new home.

Solution: We broke the house up into categories, reviewing, editing and packing one category before moving on to the next. We started with the walk-in storage room as we knew this was full of items that were not used frequently. This was an easy editing exercise and gave the client confidence with her decision-making. We then moved on to seasonal

items, gym, office, non-essential kitchen items, followed by clothing and bathroom items. The entire editing and packing project took about a week. 

Pro Tip: Take time to create a staging / work area. Clear out a room or dedicate a space in the garage or hallway for a folding table, packing supplies, donations boxes, etc. You won’t waste time looking for packing tape and you won’t have to pack boxes while sitting on the floor! 

Products: We can’t live without these custom staging signs. There are 12 categories that cover every scenario in the editing process. We clipped these laminated signs to boxes in our staging area which eliminated the dreaded questions “Where should I put Donations / Trash / Etc.” 
