Getting To Know The Tidy Nest Team


Shannon | Co-Founder & Chief Operating Organizer


What’s your favorite space to organize? And what’s the hardest space you’ve ever tackled?

My favorite space to organize is an office. I love to sort office supplies and create a space that produces creativity and order.

Hardest space would be a playroom or child’s bedroom because children have a hard time editing their treasures.

What’s the one item you must have when organizing?

Post-its. I can’t live without them.

What do you like to do when you’re not organizing?

When I’m not organizing, I’m at Pilates or yoga class, aspiring to be Martha Stewart, studying Ayurveda, or exploring hiking trails in New York State.

What’s your go-to song to get motivated?

24K Magic by Bruno Mars. All day. Every day.

What’s one tip you have to stay on track during a project?

Create a schedule and STICK TO IT!